Proactive business lending starts with visibility

See inside your borrowers’ accounts with Rightfoot, enabling smarter lending and effective collections.

Data in minutes
SOC 2 Compliant
Rogers Construction
EIN Match
current balance
sufficient balance
negative balance
Mel's Diner
EIN Match
current balance
sufficient balance
negative balance
Sequoia RE
EIN Match
righfoot flag

Trusted by top lenders & money-movers

a growing problem

Underwriting with bank statement PDFs leaves you vulnerable as borrowers' financial health evolves

Bank statements and credit bureau data quickly grow stale. Rightfoot's continuous data puts you back in control, empowering you with maximum visibility across an always changing landscape.

No post-underwriting visibility

Without access to real-time account data, lenders are left in the dark after underwriting, unable to monitor customer financial health.

Inefficient collections

Collections teams operate blindly, treating all borrowers the same leading to missed payments and wasted resources.

Security - Startup X Webflow Template

Risk of default surprises

With no ongoing account monitoring, lenders face unexpected defaults, jeopardizing loans and leading to significant financial losses.

Costly legal battles

Without account data, lenders resort to expensive and time-consuming legal processes to recover nonperforming loans.

how it works

From in-the-dark, to in-the-know in 3 easy steps


Borrowers consent

Your customer gives Rightfoot permission to access their data in your loan docs, ACH agreement, or similar.


Account validated

You share customer data to authenticate account ownership & activity such as: EIN, DOB, Address, AN/RN.


Cut costs and drive growth

Continuously monitor, avoid failed payments, and drive collections, adding significant growth to your bottom line.

full lifecycle support

From first payment to final collection — Rightfoot has the tools you need


Stop relying on outdated PDFs — upgrade to real-time data and make confident lending decisions

Pre-funding check

Don’t fund overdrawn accounts — ensure borrowers have sufficient funds before releasing funds


Stop default surprises — track account balances weekly to spot downward trends early.


Manual prioritization drains resources — leverage balance data to target the right accounts first and recover more efficiently

who we empower

Business lenders of all stripes can leverage Rightfoot's data to make better decisions

SMB Lenders

Gain visibility, knowledge, and confidence, with frictionless SMB banking data.

MCA Lenders

Ensure your revenue-based payments are backed by real-time account insights

Equipment Lenders

Lend with confidence, and proactively monitor customers for the first time post-funding.


What people are saying

"Visibility we never thought possible"

Rightfoot has given us visibility that we never thought was possible.

Gerbian King

CEO, Fundr

"Rightfoot ensures adherence with the Small Dollar Rule"

Rightfoot’s innovative solutions provide unparalleled benefits, particularly in ensuring lending compliance and adherence to the CFPB Small Dollar Rule.

Debra LeJeune

CEO, Integrity Payments Group

"Rightfoot seamlessly identifies high risk accounts"

Rightfoot helps us seamlessly identify and prioritize high risk accounts, mitigating our losses.

Prithvi Prabhu

Chief Analytics & Risk Offficer, Quantum Financial Technologies

"Rightfoot is game changing"

Rightfoot is game changing for our business, giving us the clarity we need to make informed decisions.

Ian Wells

Founder, One River Group